Abstract Love audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Abstract Love audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Abstract Love audiobook free
OMG!!! I\’m not sure how I came across this book but I\’m so glad that I did. I was expecting an emotional, tear jerker based on the blurb but that wasn\’t the case at all. Yes, both main characters are dealing with cancer but through their treatment they find each other and love. This is such a sweet and tender story and I would highly recommend it. Ava Erickson did such an incredible job portraying the characters and the emotional journey that they go on throughout the story.
Review #2
Abstract Love audiobook streamming online
Best book I’ve read in a long time. It was well written, well performed and heartfelt . I enjoyed every part of this book!
Review #3
Audiobook Abstract Love by Samantha Christy
*****REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS***** Audible review. Single POV (Keri\’s). Standalone. Excellent narration and story. One small sex scene in the final chapter. Trigger warnings: h parents died when she was 16; H parents are narcissistic snobs; child molestation; children\’s homes; both H & h have cancer. Keri Brookstone is a 24 year old bartender, children\’s home volunteer, and is undergoing 13 chemotherapy cycles for stage 2 breast cancer. Keri\’s parents died when she was 16, she shutdown & acted out forcing the state to place her in a home for wayward children where she met Tanner, her current roommate & bestfriend. Jason Jarrett III, aka Jace, is a 27 year old abstract artist who runs a charitable foundation and is undergoing 11 chemotherapy cycles for stage 2 throat cancer. They meet in the chemo clinic during Keri\’s 2nd cycle & Jace\’s first cycle. Keri is single and has been for years. Jace is dating Morgan, who he\’s known his entire life. Over the course of Jace\’s chemo sessions the two develope a friendship by texting each other because Jace doesn\’t speak. Morgan eventually breaks up with Jace because she can\’t take all that his cancer entails. Jace is attracted to Keri but isn\’t ready to move on yet. Jace\’s sister meets Keri at the clinic and they become friends. Once both of their chemotherapy sessions are complete Jace\’s true identity is revealed and the two continue their friendship. Keri and Jace fight their attraction for 90% of the story but they are engaged in the epilogue. This story is quite moving and reveals the struggles both characters have faced throughout their lives and during their chemotherapy. Samantha Christy did an excellent job of balancing their attraction and the realities of their illnesses. Usually I want more passion and intimate moments but in this story it just wouldn\’t have made sense. Well done SC! JP
Review #4
Audio Abstract Love narrated by Ava Erickson
Samantha Christy has emotionally and thoroughly given readers the experience of the cancer victims, chemotherapy experience and those who lovingly stand beside them and even family members and friends unable to stand by and support them.
Review #5
Free audio Abstract Love – in the audio player below
I loved this unique, compelling, and breathtaking story! Keri and Jace meet under very emotional and stressful conditions and form a deep connection and friendship. They support each other through their struggles, and help each other believe in hope, healing, and second chances. Their story is so much more than I thought it would be. Kari and Jace are both so kind, loving and selfless. Even tho they are from completely different worlds, they are totally perfect for each other. Their incredibly brave journey was not easy, and even tho I didn\’t agree with some of their actions, I really cared and cheered for their HEA. Ava Erickson was wonderful bringing this story to life. Her portrayal of Keri and Jace felt so honest and authentic as she brought out the strength of both characters in the face of such adversity. She made me laugh, cry and even swoon a time or two as I truly felt all the struggles, joy, heartbreak and love of each character. I loved this touching, sweet, slow burn romance. It is a wonderful, rich story that will take you on an emotional roller-coaster that is well worth the journey!
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