City of Sin audiobook
Hi, are you looking for City of Sin audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.
Review #1
City of Sin audiobook free
I cant believe someone would allow this book to be sold for $4.99 when the author couldnt be bothered to use an editor. There were so many mistakes in this book that should have been caught before it was published. For example, at one point in the book the main characters were discussing peanut butter and JELLY sandwiches yet instead of the word jelly the author wrote jealous. I cant handle stupid mistakes like that
Not to mention the characters had absolutely no depth to them and the story has been told too many times….. lacking any creativity.
Take my advice and dont purchase!
Review #2
City of Sin audiobook streamming online
She was whiny and a doormat. Six months after the breakup she still has him listed as her fiance on social media while he is hugging the new girlfriend on his page. He took all the furniture when he moved on so she sits in an unfurnished apartment watching TV, rubbing the spot where her ring was while hoping he’ll change his mind and decide to come back to her.
She allows her boss to sexually harass her, took a job beneath her skill set and doesn’t understand why she’s not taken seriously.
Review #3
Audiobook City of Sin by Ivy Smoak
This book was really good and very spicy right from the beginning, Mason and Bee had the chemistry right from the start.
Mason and Bee were complete opposites and the only reason they meet because mutual friends set them up on a blind date. Mason was able to get Bee to open up and move a little which Bee enjoyed very much 😉
I really wanted to love Bee but she just seemed so naive at times; I can understand being a new place and overwhelmed but this woman had no sense of self preservation. She let her perv boss creep on her basically sexual harass her but she did nothing; I get not wanting to lose her job but there was nothing holding her back from finding a new job there are many advertising companies in NYC. Staying in the apartment she shared with her stupid ex-fianc that wasnt in great shape nor in a good neighbor and she couldnt afford meanwhile she had a great opportunity to stay with her friend in a better and affordable place, but she chose to stay in the crappy apartment. Bee was portrayed as small town girl who couldnt the big city, but to me its like she didnt try and closed her eyes to her problems.
Mason was definitely not perfect either especially with the whole ad idea thing and his constant spoiled rich boy attitude.
I was loving this book until the big fight because what in the hell happened? Bee being rightfully angry at Mason for what he did and he somehow manages to flip the script and she is trying to apologize to him! Im not joking and she starts thinking of ways to apologize and win him back; he betrayed her and wasnt honest about it! It was just weird after making a her partner in his agency even though she has no experience, the ending was just a little too over the top for me.
This book heavily features James and Penny from The Light to My Darkness series.
Review #4
Audio City of Sin narrated by Connor Crais Vanessa Edwin
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. Ivy Smoak is a new author to me but Ill be buying up her other books after enjoying this one so much! Bee agrees to a blind date because her life has been awful since her fianc broke off their engagement shortly before the wedding. It spun her out of control. Literal nose dive. So her friends fixed her up. Mason doesnt date. Perennial playboy. And when Mason meets Bee he definitely only has one thing on his mind. But Bee is now wary of men and Mason misread this girl! No way was she going to be up for what he had in mind! Bees hopes and dreams were crushed in the big city, this city of sin, New York, where everyone is out for themselves. Dont get me wrong, Bee is attracted to Mason but again, shes gun shy around guys.
Mason usually loves the chase and then hes over the woman. But Bee? Shes getting under his skin. Its more about wanting to be with her long term.
The road ahead is bumpy for this couple. Will they get to an HEA?? Read this delightful book. Please note the stolen cab scene!!
Review #5
Free audio City of Sin – in the audio player below
But Mason Is Hard To Take Too Seriously. He Lies Constantly & Has A Rather Singular Focus. His Progression Is Really Sweet. Bee Blossoms Around Him & Finds That She Has A Dirty Side, Too. Their Opposites Attract Story Has Them Finding A Happy Middle. Fans Of The Hunted Series Will Love This Book!
This is book one of three in the Men of Manhattan series of related standalones. Fans of The Hunted series will especially love this series, which is a spinoff of sorts. It includes:
1. City of Sin (Mason Caldwell and Bridget Cowans story)
2. Third Chances (Rob Hunter and Daphne Hughess story)
3. Missing Pieces (Tyler Stevens and Hailey Shaws story)
This series intersects with The Hunted series. While these books and each series can be enjoyed on their own, each book is even more enjoyable when read collectively because little glimpses of the characters from one book to another add to the depth of their individual stories. Approximating the chronological order, the two series combined should be read as follows (according to the author).
1. Temptation (James Hunter and Penny Taylors story, part 1)
2. Addicted (James Hunter and Penny Taylors story, part 2)
3. City of Sin (Mason Caldwell and Bridget Cowens story)
4. Eruption (James Hunter and Penny Taylors story, part 3)
5. Third Chances (Rob Hunter and Daphne Hughess story)
6. Devotion (James Hunter and Penny Taylors story, part 4)
7. Missing Pieces (Tyler Stevens and Hailey Shaws story)
This story opens after the holidays, just before Valentines Day. According to the authors website, it is 2016. The timeline is a little funky because Bridget has been in New York for eighteen months but graduated in 2015 (a 2014 graduation would make more sense).
Bridget Cowan, roughly twenty-three, thought she was going to have a fairytale ending when Patrick proposed to her. It was at the Sigma Pi fraternity house he belonged to and where they had first met freshman year. She had majored in marketing and minored in advertising in college, and had been nerdy growing up. Patrick had been her one and only. He was offered a job in finance at MAC International in New York, and Bee had followed him there to begin her own career when they graduated from the University of New Castle. Patrick promised they wouldnt let the city change them, but a year later she learned that he hadnt kept his promises. Her father had walked out on her mother when she was small, and abandonment was a real fear for her. She is close with her mother, but never wants to end up alone like her. She wants to share her life with someone, but moving on is hard to do. Six months later she is barely able to make her rent in the miserable secretary job she got at Kruger Advertising, and she prays for a promotion that remains out of reach. If things dont change soon she will have to return home to Delaware and admit to her failure. Her friends keep telling her it is time to move on, and that the best way to get over Patrick is to get under someone else. That doesnt really interest Bee, though. Love is risky. But when her friend Marie sets her up on a blind date with her husbands handsome single coworker, she eventually relents despite her instinct to refuse.
Mason Caldwell, roughly twenty-nine, doesnt want to take over the family business. He has no interest in MAC International or finance running his own advertising agency is his dream. He graduated from Harvard alongside his best friend James Hunter but refused to cow to his parents. They are no longer on speaking terms as a result. Mason doesnt mind. Getting cut off financially is a bit of a hit, though. He is used to a lavish lifestyle. His advertising job at Blue Media doesnt begin pay the kind of bills he is accustomed to. His parents money is about to dry up, but he is determined to make his own way in the world. Starting his own agency takes some startup cash, and he has a plan to make it happen. His side business has him doing some things that his parents would be aghast to learn about, but for Mason it is all good fun. He hasnt been serious about a girl since high school, and indulging in his playboy lifestyle works well for business. When he saves up enough money he can start his own agency, and nothing will stop him from making his own fortune and earning back his parents respect. When Carter, his coworker, tries to set him up on a blind date his response is a definite no. But when Carter throws in some incentives to sweeten the deal he figures he has a few hours to waste.
Mason is brash and full of himself when Bee first meets him. Though she is timid and nave, she isnt afraid to challenge him. She feels emboldened with him. It becomes quite clear what Mason wants out of their evening, but Bee isnt that kind of girl or maybe letting lose is exactly what she needs to move on. Their blind date takes them both through a myriad of emotions, and what might have ended in a one night stand instead ends rather abruptly. The back and forth continues between the two, whose plans never seem to quite pan out as expected. Their chemistry is intense but they are often not on the same page. They are opposites in many ways. He is sophisticated but dirty. He wants just one night with her so that he can mentally move on. His doesnt date, but ends up on the hook for more. He cannot get her out of his mind. Bee is lacking in experience but that only excites him more. She new to the city and not used to his lifestyle. Being with her keeps him on his toes she is the first to say no to him and is unapologetic about it. He sees her as naturally submissive, but she isnt very good at it. Bee is tempted by Masons forwardness, and his attention makes her feel special. She had loved Patrick, but the pain begins to dissipate as she gets to know Mason. And the more she learns about him, the more confused she is about him. She loves his demanding and flirty side, but she falls for the sweet side, too. Despite anything he or anyone else says about him, she knows that underneath the bluster is a man that makes her feel good about herself and surprises her with his thoughtfulness.
Mason has a loose relationship with the truth and he is very talented at avoiding it. His conversations and avoidance tactics are hilarious. And when he learns who Bees ex-fianc is, he knows he is in for trouble. She blames Mason for her breakup with Patrick, who had fallen under Masons influence. And as much as she has come to feel for Mason, she has to question if he would he ever be able to earn her trust. Masons friend James has settled down with Penny, and he offers some good advice. In the midst of the rapid progression of their undefined relationship, Bee has some serious issues to face at Kruger Advertising. Meanwhile Mason is temporarily distracted from his business goals by Bee. Being with her makes him question himself and his methods. He hadnt seemed to have many scruples when he met Bee, but things are changing for him. He nevertheless finds himself in web of deceit with no way out, but he also hasnt been honest with himself. The couple eventually earns a happy ending.
There are hints about Rob Hunter, who has been hanging out with coeds in Newark, getting restless and seeking change. He wants to move back to the city. Mason recognizes some of the signs and wonders if he might be ready to settle down. Robs story follows in Third Chances.
Wow! This pair is entertaining. Mason and Bees story certainly has some serious aspects, but Mason is hard to take too seriously. He lies constantly and has a rather singular focus. Reading about his progression is really sweet and very rewarding. Bee blossoms around him and finds that she has a dirty side, too. Their opposites attract story has them finding a happy middle. This story is well-written. The plot is somewhat complex. It weaves in characters from related books. The characters are well-developed. It is easy to fall for Masons whacky character despite his flaws; he is humanized eventually. And that Bee is so understanding, mature, and accepting makes her a great match for him. The story is written in first person. The POV alternates between Mason and Bee. I rate this book 4.5 stars.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. City-Of-Sin-000 1:29:44
- 03. City-Of-Sin-001 1:29:44
- 04. City-Of-Sin-002 1:29:44
- 05. City-Of-Sin-003 1:29:44
- 06. City-Of-Sin-004 1:29:44
- 07. City-Of-Sin-005 1:29:44
- 08. City-Of-Sin-006 1:3:8
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