Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) audiobook free
I hate reactionary characters. Especially when they\’re the protagonist. A million times more if you ask me to believe they\’re \’special\’ and that they\’ll change the world. I got about half way through the book before I couldn\’t take it anymore. This book is told from two perspectives, Aaron\’s and Thornpricks\’. The former is basically doing as he\’s told the entire time, being lead around the nose by the author from one pussy to another, meekly but with an annoying bark. Like an angry chihuahua. Cute but ultimately harmless. Thornprick goes ultimate simp mode. His \’love\’ binding him to his paramour\’s obvious psychopathy. While it\’s clear what way the story will go, and that he\’ll grow out of it and do the right thing, the journey is torturous and unenjoyable, making any ultimate pay-off doomed to failure. Maybe this could have worked if Stone actually did something other than shrug his shoulders and accept his dire situation (an absolutely ludicrous statement given the earlier books, which is a large part of why this book is so unbearable), or if the Queen (King? I could have sworn she\’s referred to as both) had been better written and more sympathetic. None of this is the case though. At the time I quit this book it looked like the next book would happen in the Elvish kingdom. Pardon me, but I\’ll not be coming back for an entire book of Stone doing sweet FA while a culture is being expositioned at me. Ugh. I think the only characters I actually like are the Dwarves. Performance not at fault here and well done, has to be said.
Review #2
Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) audiobook streamming online
This was a great book to end the series. You won’t go wrong purchasing this. Remember the iron fist
Review #3
Audiobook Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) by Aron Stone
This entire book felt like it was cobbled together to end the series with no real thought as to the rest of the books. The MC was a good leader and although he screwed everything he came across, was a decent person. He was a capable combatant and showed his ability to work as part of team. Additionally, he spent a lot of time building bonds with his lovers and subordinates. The author spent time developing the side characters to some extent and the story line was interesting. This book essentially throws away everything I just mentioned. The plot goes off in a random direction, abandoning everyone else to prop up a new character that is kinda crap. Even his goals in this book are pretty much forgotten until the end when they are resolved with a random footnote. After ignoring all the build up and potential of the story, the author just throws in a random deus ex machina to win the day. I do not expect a lot from the harem genre, but this was one of the more disappointing endings to a series I have seen. If you have not started the series then know that it drops off in writing quality, content, and rationale at the end. I am sad to see it end this way and will not follow this author any more.
Review #4
Audio Conquer 3 (Conquering the Kingdom) narrated by Gary Furlong
Great Narration for what I assume is the end of this series but I feel like I was shorted another book on the Fae and clear ending for the Human portion. The ending was rushed but still a great book.
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