Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy audiobook free
filled with humor and horror, Talia gives a great overview of the white supremacist movement in America and its expression online.
Review #2
Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy audiobook streamming online
Talia Lavin explored a toxic and violent online subculture so you don\’t have to. In person at events, and online undercover (assuming personae both hilarious and sad), she spent 2019 in the belly of the beast of white supremacy. I know I sound like I\’m clutching my pearls, but I was taken aback by the specificity of the attacks against her and others, and the personal hatred fomented online by people who — ironically — don\’t even know each other. I listened to this audio at 1.1 speed; I enjoyed the narration, and the story — while uncomfortable — was an eye-opener.
Review #3
Audiobook Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy by Talia Lavin
This was the single most difficult book for me to finish this year. The author delves deep into the hate filled online world of white supremacy. She frequently brings up that she is Jewish and how people in these online groups are, directly or indirectly, threatening her, her family, and peoples she cares about. It isn\’t difficult to see my own family and the people I care about reflected there. I took this book maybe too personally. The threat of violence from groups like these are very real, and the author brings up several examples where extremists cultivated hate online and committed atrocities in the offline world. I want to say that I recommend this book to everyone, but it made me sick to my stomach, it made me afraid, and it made me mad. It also gave me hope. When we begin to understand the disease we can treat it, we can begin to know what to look for. I\’m not sure if extremism, like what is exposed in this book, will ever truly be rooted out, but I\’m glad this book is out there.
Review #4
Audio Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy narrated by Talia Lavin
I love your commitment, your strength, your will, your righteousness and your passion as well as the beautifully and clearly told story.
Review #5
Free audio Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy – in the audio player below
This was my first time reading anything from Talia Lavin, and this was a really great book. As much as people like to talk about \”snowflakes\” and SJWs, the incel and white supremacy movement online is real, and it\’s scary stuff. Personally, I grew up online and as a gamer, and I\’ve known many of these types of guys, and I don\’t know how many mass shootings we need to witness before people take this issue of domestic terrorism seriously. I recently started following Talia on Twitter, and although I don\’t 100% agree with everything she says, I respect the hell out of her for this book. She put a lot on the line by infiltrating incel and white supremacy groups to get an inside look of what\’s going on. Not only did she do it, but before she started investigating, she knew the threats that she would receive after she published this book from those groups, but she did it anyway. I don\’t know what the solution is to help curb this hatred that\’s happening from these groups, but the least we can do is be aware that it\’s happening. With that said, I highly recommend this book.
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