Don’t Move audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Don’t Move audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Don’t Move audiobook free
This was an interest story that I can not deny. The main thing I hated was the overwhelming macho posturing through the a majority of the story. The second thing is the knowledge level or lack there of on thing\’s about spiders. Like what the webs would be like for a big spider, how it ate, ect. I wanted more attack scenes with more descriptions even if they had not been on the main party. Besides that the story is overall alright. Your main menace for the story dominates an area that has not been traveled in awhile supposedly and cleverly does so. Put your stress filled and eventually terrified party in then have fun. It is your typical b-rate movie plot which just made it more enjoyable. The narration wasn\’t bad at all and did not distract from the story in anyway. At least not in my opinion. It is read at a good pace as well.
Review #2
Don’t Move audiobook streamming online
Short and uninspired story. Extremely irritating macho male characters. Predictable from start to finish. Narrator has a distracting cadence. Like a Sci-Fi Original Picture in novel format.
Review #3
Audiobook Don’t Move by Darren Wearmouth James S. Murray
Story was OK, but nothing remarkable. The narrator reads like a 5th grader with extremely annoying pauses throughout sentences where no pause is needed or expected. His stilted narration got on my nerves. The author should focus on writing better material and leave the narration to someone with better skills. I got the feeling that the author thinks very highly of their skills, but isn\’t really at that level yet.
Review #4
Audio Don’t Move narrated by James S. Murray
Decently narrated, predictable storyline & ending, but still a good story. You can\’t go wrong with a giant spider.
Review #5
Free audio Don’t Move – in the audio player below
I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook. I\’m a huge Impractical Jokers fan and was excited to find Murr was writing and reading his own books. Great story and his performance was very enjoyable. I could easily imagine his gestures as he was reading. The Impractical Jokers references were hilarious.
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