Nov 14, 2022

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Get the Guy audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Get the Guy audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Get the Guy audiobook free

This book’s approach reminds me of that old Steve Martin comedy bit, “How you can have one MILLION dollars, and NEVER pay taxes…first, get a million dollars. Now—”

The book is described as providing dating tips that still let *you* be *you*, and don’t require any gamesmanship to meet and keep a quality man; neither claim turns out to be true. In a nutshell, the book’s how-to can be boiled down to this:

1. Get an amazing, irresistible life.

2. Be an amazing, irresistible person.

3. Stop being insecure.

4. Chat and flirt with everything that moves, employing these specific strategies, types of come-ons, text messages and actions (which may totally seem like gamesmanship and manipulation, but trust the author, it’s not).

Follow those four simple steps and success is assured. Here’s an actual excerpt from the book—I’m not kidding. If you’re drinking anything, put the cup down *now* or your keyboard will be drenched in a few seconds:

“The reason a guy gets hooked on one woman is not because she is *just sexy*, or *just playful*, or *just certain*, or *just feminine*, or *just bursting with integrity*, but because she possesses a unique combination of traits: the girl who is warm, has integrity, and can charm his family, then rips his clothes off in the bedroom and is a sexual goddess; the girl who is playful with his friends, can debate politics like a pro, but knows how to enjoy a lazy Sunday watching movies and eating pizza; the girl who is independent, kicks ass out in the world, but is feminine and loving with her man. Women like this cause an alarm to go off inside a guy’s head and heart. Keep her, he thinks. This one’s amazing!”

…and if she existed as a real person, she wouldn’t be reading this book. I could just as easily advise guys seeking dating advice:

“The reason a woman gets hooked on one man is not because he is just sexy, or just playful, or just certain, or just masculine, or just bursting with integrity, but because he possesses a unique combination of traits: the man who is warm, has integrity, and can charm her family, then rips her clothes off in the bedroom and is a sexual god who’s willing to invest all the time she needs in foreplay; the man who is respectful with her friends, can fix things around the house and in the garage like a pro, but knows how to enjoy a lazy Sunday at the museum or craft fair; the guy who is independent, kicks ass out in the world, but is gentle and loving with his woman and lavishes attention on her. Men like this cause an alarm to go off inside a woman’s head and heart. He’s just a character in a romance novel, she thinks. Be more realistic!”


Review #2

Get the Guy audiobook streamming online

I started watching Matthew Hussey on youtube and he’s great. I started to take his advice and then it all of the sudden it became easy to approach men and talk to them and go on dates with them shortly after. I bought the book to get the rest of what he has to say. It’s enjoyable to read. A lot of the book has things we already know deep down but it’s good to hear someone say “men want those parts of you so own them” If you have been sitting at home watching Netflix or working at you job and wondering “How do I find the man for me?” You absolutely must buy this. I went from dating no one and meeting no one new to giving two cute guys my number (then figuring out they weren’t for me). Going out with three others and then maybe finding the one for me. We’ll see. You too can successfully talk to guys! AND I’m a single mom so its harder for me- you got this


Review #3

Audiobook Get the Guy by Matthew Hussey

I’m embarrassed to say that I was dumb enough to be conned by a slick snake oil salesman. That’s all he is. A cute , energetic , great salesman. Save your money , you already know all of his so called “secrets” and “tips”.There’s no wonder to me that he himself cannot retain a partner. I bought this and 2 others from his company .What a waste of my hard earned money!!
And do not , under ANY circumstances order directly from his “empire’s” site ! His company illegally keeps your payment method on file and you WILL start getting random fraudulent charges for his other crap, “coaching” bs and all of his other nonsense , while entertaining , is as useless as this book .


Review #4

Audio Get the Guy narrated by Matthew Hussey

To be cliche, don’t judge this book by it’s title. I will admit I was skeptical, bought the book anyway and have been pleasantly surprised. I initially wrote it off as another self help/dating book. I’m finding that despite it’s title, it’s so much more. It’s one I will likely re-read and reference multiple times. This is information that I wish I had learned and applied years ago. The information and examples Matt uses in both the book and the videos are practical not just for seeking romantic relationships but also for every social relationship. It’s essentially a book on relating and interacting in a purposeful way with people. The core driving point is to bring an awareness of how to engage in your life and make it more meaningful. That, in it’s own nature, will attract people to you. It’s not new or revolutionary information by an means but it resonated with me and I find myself reading and then re-reading parts of chapters because it’s presented in such a relate-able and practical way. The book has helped me re-frame my thinking about how I interact with people. It has also helped reshape some of the goals I set in my own life. I enjoy the snip-its from the online access and have also watched some of the accompanying YouTube videos. In short, this was a very worthwhile investment for me and has made a positive change in the way I interact with the world around me. If I happen into an amazing relationship in that process, well, that’s just icing on the cake, isn’t it?


Review #5

Free audio Get the Guy – in the audio player below

I have heard Matthew Hussey speak on the radio and I was looking forward to reading his book, bu I was dissapointed to learn that after every chapter I had to sign in to the websiteand become a paid member in order to look t th video that accompanied each chapter……I felt thi was more of a pay as you go long “help book” than anyhing else…….I was extremely dissapointed and expected more from the author…….


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