Nov 13, 2022

Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies)

Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies)

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Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) audiobook free

Jackdaw takes place in Charles Charm of Magpies universe, a series of Victorian-era queer paranormal romance novels. It isnt a strict perquisite to read the first three books in the series, but readers will benefit from a better understanding of the larger story arc.

Jonah Pastern played a supporting role in Flight of Magpies, the third Charm of Magpies book. I dont want to reveal too much, but I will say that Jonah appeared as one of the villains of the piece, so right away, its interesting to see him as the protagonist in a romance.

Once upon a time, Jonah met Ben, and they were very happy together.

Until they werent.

Ben has every reason to be angry with Jonah for betraying and abandoning him, but he cant stop thinking about his flighty erstwhile lover.

So, they decide to try again, and things seem to be going well for them.

Until their past catches up with them.

Oh, gracious, I loved this book so much. It was full of angst and heartache, but there was always a glimmer of optimism- hope springs eternal, and all that. Ben has lost everything because of Jonah, but he cant walk away from their shared past. Jonah has never had anyone care about him; he spent most of his life only caring about himself because thats what he had to survive. Its not that he doesnt care, but having to consider someone elses feelings is new for him.

And thats the most fascinating part of this book: not only do we see the redemption and reformation of a former villain, but we also learn more about his motivations for taking on such a villainous role. Furthermore, Im going to choose my words carefully to avoid big spoilers, but Jackdaw contains even more role reversal, and frankly, it was terrifying to see familiar characters appearing in a different dynamic.

I have loved all of the books I have read by KJ Charles, but Jackdaw stands out as one of my most favorite. I would absolutely recommend it to others.


Review #2

Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) audiobook streamming online

Beautiful. SO SO Beautiful. This was a bit different than the ones of Stephen and Lucien, a different pace, as well as a the personal and relationship buildup and not only because Jonah and Ben have already BEEN in a relationship before. It was a heart felt and heart breaking story and though there is quite a lot of magic involved (with Jonah a practitioner) for me the story was about something else differently – two men getting to know one another again as well as learning together what truly matters to them in life. Finding their place mentally and physically. Finding their own kind of peace.

We’ve met Jonah Pastern before. He was a villain though he wasn’t really a “bad guy”. He did what he needed to do to save the man he loves – Benedict (Ben) Spenser and even though he already failed the man, he couldn’t have let anything more happen to him even if Ben would never forgive him and / or accept him into his life. People died. Innocent ones. He wasn’t very “nice” to the Justiciary but for him it wasn’t about doing any harm, it was about surviving – which most of his life he needed to do on his own – and saving Ben.

Ben had a life before Jonah, but after Jonah left he was a broken man. He used to be a respectable policeman. But all changed when the man he loved betrayed him. Betrayed everything they had together. When Ben met Jonah it was like magic (it wasn’t though.. it was just them and how they connected). It didn’t take them long to become partners. Sharing a house together on the pretence of “sharing costs” (common at the time). They were happy together even though Ben knew very little about Jonah or what he actually did for a living. He knew he was rather simply, not knowing how to read or write but nothing at all about his background or skills. Especially not the magical kind of windwalking…

Jonah had good reasons to keep his occupation and special powers from Ben and though he wished he could he wouldn’t risk it. So he kept his “job” of stealing and didn’t think ahead (his usual flaw) what would happen when he kept stealing while living in the same area… Then came Mrs. Bruton and everything exploded when Ben realized Jonah occupation and was betrayed when he escaped his custody, leaving behind a well kissed Ben to suffer the consequences of being found to be in a gay relationship with a felon.

When Ben arrived in London looking for Jonah he truly meant to harm him, make him suffer for the time he spent in jail but once he actually sees Jonah he realizes he can’t truly keep the act, not even in his mind, even if he can’t trust him (or can he?) and can’t see a future with him (but can’t also keep apart).

They make their grand escape with both police and the Justiciary after them, trying to find a place to settle but before they needed to have a few conversations about who Jonah REALLY is, but also what Ben can and can’t accept. In short, Ben tries to make Jonah a “better man” socially.

Jonah never considered what Ben was offering but he was truly willing to try anything and everything to make Ben stay by his side. The place they found, the solace he found in it and the small community showed Jonah things he didn’t have before and so little by little he changes when he realizes he can start to trust. Something he has NEVER done before.

There is a little more to the story when justice comes knocking at their door but I would rather say nothing about it besides it was the perfect ending to the story.

This story was solely told from Ben’s POV. I actually thought it fitted – them and their story. It left Jonah’s side a bit of a mystery and yet his acts throughout the book were transparent enough even if Ben was having a hard time trusting what he saw. It was emotional, it was sad. But it was also heart warming.

OUTSTANDING. Another great novel by K.J. Can’t wait for more by her and more in this wonderful Magpie world.

More @ Ultra Meital Reviews.


Review #3

Audiobook Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) by KJ Charles

This short book is set in the same world as the author’s “A Charm of Magpies” trilogy, a version of Victorian England that contains magic, and several of the characters reappear here. Spoilers ahead. I found parts of this troubling reading, especially chapter two, where the main character is abusive, but I warmed to both the main character and the wind-walking thief who led him into difficulty. Over and above the actual fantasy elements, the book has a fairytale-like quality. While the plot feels contrived, I was mostly taken under its spell, wishing for the two men to reconcile, wishing for a way for them to live together safely. Recommended, with reservations (specifically that I am still troubled by chapter two).

About my reviews: I try to review every book I read, including those that I don’t end up enjoying. The reviews are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star reviews; 4 stars means I liked a book very much; 3 stars means I liked it; 2 stars means I didn’t like it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I’ve loved).


Review #4

Audio Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) narrated by Cornell Collins

Why do I love K.J.Charles stories as much as I do? Probably because they are so well written and edited. They are a veritable pleasure to read….and so is “Jackdaw”.
There’s little point in me re-telling the synopsis or the plot, many reviewers have already done so. Suffice to say, these two protagonists work/play well together. Their story is one of happiness, sadness, angst. adventure… and it sits well in the series that is “A Charm of Magpies”.
I would not consider “Jackdaw” a stand-alone story as has been suggested. There are too many character references to the Magpie series which are not explained in enough detail to ensure this as a stand-alone. It is a complementary novel but requiring some background knowledge of Stephen Day and the Lord Crane’s story.
(The sexual coupling is not at all intrusive. Relevant and tastefully written. There is no titillation for titillation sake in this story).
Brilliant, loved it. Definitely a five star read


Review #5

Free audio Jackdaw (The World of A Charm of Magpies) – in the audio player below

Another wonderful read from KJCharles, who never fails to find a new angle on the complexity of relationships – and thats without the magic! Frankly, Ill read anything she writes.


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