Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) audiobook free
The like us series has become my favorite. I\’ve never had a favorite. I\’ve never shared a series with family and friends. I\’ve also never anticipated a new book in a series. The characters are lovable, confused, brilliant, eccentric, relatable and most importantly, people you want to hear more about. I\’ve laughed, cried, been angry but always rooted for love. In real life I am an older woman who is jaded about happily ever after. I don\’t read sicky sweet romances because I usually roll my eyes and call BS while reading. These characters have touched my bruised heart and lets me look forward to what is coming next. Bravo Girls! Another success! XX
Review #2
Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) audiobook streamming online
The two narrators had large shoes to fill. The male narrated and didn’t do as good a job as the male narrators for the other LIKE US books. The female narrator did not portray Jane’s soft voice and in the beginning, her voice hurt my ears. The story was wonderful and I enjoyed it immensely. I have re-read it several times.
Review #3
Audiobook Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) by Becca Ritchie Krista Ritchie
I. Loved the first 3 books. And i like Thatcher however I couldn\’t stand Jane. At. All. Im looking forward to the other books but fingers crossed Sully isn\’t anything like Jane.
Review #4
Audio Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) narrated by Holly Warren Stephen Dexter
Overall 3.5* In Jane and Thatcher\’s second book, 5th in the Like Us series, a whole heck of a lot happened, but also not much really happened. Some of it I thought was unnecessary, some of it helped move the story arc along, and some of it had me wondering why. I tried not to think too far ahead, to the upcoming books in this series, and just enjoy this one for what it was, but it was kind of hard, after having seen a few spoilers here and there about what\’s to come. (Not for Moffy and Farrow, but further along in the series.) It made me more aware during certain parts of this book and to be honest that wasn\’t fair to Jane & Thatcher and their story. But back to Jane and Thatcher…this will be a kind of jumbled mess of a review. Now that things are out in the open when it comes to their relationship, you\’d think things should be a little easier for them. But between Jane\’s bodyguard, her \”fans\” and foes, and her brothers, easy is not the word I\’d use. I understand the Cobalt\’s are a close family, but this \”game\” they made Jane & Thatcher play, (well Thatcher anyway, since Jane jumped in it), while I kind of understood why they set it up, some of the questions made me uncomfortable. The trip to Scotland and the whole twin switch- I don\’t blame Thatcher for wanting to go, considering Tony would be there, but I felt it was a bit out of character for him to propose it, especially since it was only supposed to be for a week. But he wanted to be with his woman, so what can you do. To be honest, I\’m not sure what was supposed to come out of them all being snowed in, in Scotland. Jane and Thatcher had their moments, and if I\’m being really honest, they had me on edge quite a bit- I kept expecting them to get caught by Tony. I did like how they really opened up to each other on this trip, so maybe being stranded was actually good for them. I\’m happy Jane finally had a breakthrough when it came to \”finding her passion\”. I mean, she\’s only 23- how many of us in all honesty knew what our passions would be at 23?!? I do love how Thatcher loves Jane- he\’d really do anything for her. If only we were all so lucky… I liked what happened with security. I almost, kind of, saw it happening, after a certain point in the book. But it was still surprising! There was something K&B added that I guess is supposed to help lead into what\’s coming in a future book, but it didn\’t feel natural to me. And while I\’m not opposed to what they have planned, like so many other people have voiced, it still feels like it\’s coming out of left field. Maybe in Headstrong Like Us it starts to make more sense. Stephen Dexter is a great Thatcher. I like the kind of scratchy/gruffness he brings to the character, it\’s very fitting to how I think Thatcher would really sound. Holly makes a good Jane.
Review #5
Free audio Sinful like Us (Like Us #5) – in the audio player below
I love those Ritchie sisters. This book was beyond what I expected. I started off listening to just the Like Us series but in preparation to this coming out on Audible I decided to listen to all of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters series. If you haven\’t listened to those series I really recommend you doing so. There is so many things that\’ll make more sense in the Like Us series. I cannot wait for the next books in the series. I have such a book hangover after this book.
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