Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down audiobook
Hi, are you looking for Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down audiobook free
I love everything about this book! The layout is awesome! They even have a small upside down section! There are parts about each of the actors, designs, random facts! I love the old school look of the book, complete with a used store sticker on the front! There the cook drawing on part of the inside cover as well. Just so many things!!! I recommend this to all fans of the show!! Happy Reading! Mel ????
Review #2
Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down audiobook streamming online
It was exactly what I was expecting – and even more. It\’s perfect for anyone who can\’t wait for season 3. The pictures inside are stunning.
Review #3
Audiobook Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down by Ross Duffer – foreword Gina McIntyre Matt Duffer – foreword
This book is for nerds. No seriously that\’s what the duffer brothers said in the foreword and boy are they right! You will get an overload of all geek artifacts such as Dungeons and Dragons, video games, Stephen King novels, horror movies, the works. What I liked about this book is that the brothers are unabashedly nerds and are sharing their love of geekdom with their audience. It’s almost as if you are hanging out with them and you are talking about various subjects with such passion that has influenced their creativity. One of my favorite authors as of late is Larry Flores (Creepy Vibes, The Fire Diaries) who has a lot in common with the Duffer brothers as far as their love of geek culture. You can tell that they were influenced by the same things growing up in the 80s. However, Larry’s wheelhouse is dark humor. Getting back to the book, its designed with YOU in mind. The main characters all have Dungeons and Dragons type player cards that decorate their bio complete with strengths and weaknesses which is a nice touch. Also I loved how the book addressed all of the Easter eggs in the show. For example, The Duffers favorite movie is Jaws so that heavily influenced the reason why you didn\’t see the demagorgon until the last episode of season 1. The book gives you the most in-depth details you could ever want if you are a fan of this show. No stone is left unturned. So if you love Stranger Things than this is a no-brainer but the best part is that it really does feel like the Duffer brothers are right there with you and well…that just pays for itself
Review #4
Audio Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down narrated by Fred Berman
Love this so much i want to buy another copy, this book is a must have, very aesthetically pleasing
Review #5
Free audio Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down – in the audio player below
Something freaking amazing! This book is an awesome companion to anyone who is a huge Stranger Things fan! The retro look that this book has is totally tubular and I love that they even put a Melvald’s price tag on it! This is honestly the best companion to a movie/tv show I’ve ever owned. The only thing I wish is that they waited to release this until they were done with the series, because now I’ll have to buy another companion for the rest of the show!
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