The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) audiobook
Hi, are you looking for The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.

Review #1
The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) audiobook free
I loved Scars. Path to Heaven follows up very well. The tale is a great addition to the overall arc of the HH series and I love how distinct the 5th Legion is compared to their peers. My only real criticism is the use of accents by the narrator. The accents for the Chogoran Scars is something of a stereotypical Asian accent which is silly and annoying and makes each of the characters sound the same so their individual voices and characters get muted. the narrator also pronounces Yesugei laughably incorrectly. In an audiobook you need distinct voices for each character so you can organize who is who and who is speaking and the narrator\’s reliance on a silly accent makes each of the Scars sound the same, except for the one Terran born Scar, which is dissapointing.
Review #2
The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) audiobook streamming online
The story was gripping, and was a great continuation of the White Scars story, but the book has a lot of shifting perspectives and while John Banks generally is a good narrator, he gave zero sign when the perspectives changed, not so much as an extra breath between lines, which made some part hard to follow
Review #3
Audiobook The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) by Chris Wraight
loved it! the action was nonstop. narration was on point. different voices for great effects!
Review #4
Audio The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) narrated by John Banks
This is book two of a story that is a masterful depiction of who the 5th Legion, the White Scars, is just before the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal, plunges everything into chaos. The White Scars must determine for themselves the truth of things. This book continues with two key characters from the first book; Shivan Khan and Torgun Khan, and the author did a great job bringing both characters to life. I\’m expecting more 5th legion stories in the future!
Review #5
Free audio The Path of Heaven (The Horus Heresy #36) – in the audio player below
I originally thought the White Scars were the most boring legion but this book not only made me like them but made me identify with and love them.
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