Nov 30, 2022

Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1)

Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1)

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Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) audiobook

Hi, are you looking for Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) audiobook? If yes, you are in the right place! ✅ scroll down to Audio player section bellow, you will find the audio of this book. Right below are top 5 reviews and comments from audiences for this book. Hope you love it!!!.


Review #1

Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) audiobook free

potention for good story but to many sex scenes adding nothing. a few scenes is fine but to repeating them is just plain boring.


Review #2

Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) audiobook streamming online

why, why can\’t there be a separate genre for fantasy that leans so heavily on erotica that it overshadows any plot that may be hiding somewhere within the amateurish prose of this style of novel?


Review #3

Audiobook Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) by Joshua King

I wanted to quit this book a couple times but stuck it out to the end. I don’t think it’s much of a spoiler to say that the title spoils the book. He isn’t a mage or a vampire until the very end of the book. The MC is a whiny idiot that will sleep with anything that moves. He isn’t smart, he isn’t smooth. He is a jackass that despite the ending is just given everything. So if you want some harem style sex with a guy putting in zero effort go ahead and listen. Otherwise move on.


Review #4

Audio Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) narrated by David Benjamin Bliss

The concept for the plot had potential, but the excessive sex scenes that didn\’t just not add to the plot but took away from the story. the sex scenes seemed to the main focus of the author and was told to put some filler in-between. it\’s described in more detain what a woman\’s sex organ feels like than anything else in the story. My wife said it sounded like a book to trick teenage boys into reading and every other chapter was for them to rub one out too as a reward.


Review #5

Free audio Vampire Mage (The Vampire Mage #1) – in the audio player below

The main character is a dullard and doesn\’t seem to be able to put two and two together at times when he really should be able to(or at least have an inkling of what\’s going on). This causes the main character to be fairly obnoxious and annoying at times. The gratuitous sex and rather predictable plot points made me not enjoy this book very much. Seriously if you read a decent amount almost everything is rather predictable and you will see coming a mile away. I feel that there was potential here but it was squandered. If the plot was a little more complex, less predictable and the characters less one-dimensional other aspects of the book probably wouldn\’t have bothered me too much. The vampires feel more like succubi/incubi that occasionally need to drink blood. The plot itself almost feels like it was come up with by an adolescent who reads too much ecchi shounen manga. It\’s short enough to where it wasn\’t really a big deal to finish it. But I will not continue to read this series.


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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Vampire-Mage-The-Vampire-Mage-1-000 1:29:44
  • 03. Vampire-Mage-The-Vampire-Mage-1-001 1:29:44
  • 04. Vampire-Mage-The-Vampire-Mage-1-002 1:29:44
  • 05. Vampire-Mage-The-Vampire-Mage-1-003 1:29:44
  • 06. Vampire-Mage-The-Vampire-Mage-1-004 1:5:55

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